Flex-Wing Pilot Training
Rob Mckellar
There are no age or disability restrictions to flying a Flex-wing or 3-Axis Microlight as a passenger, other than you must fit the safety equipment correctly. Student pilots must be reasonably fit and in good health. The minimum age to legally log training hours towards the National Private Pilot’s License is 14 years of age, or fly Solo from 16yrs, and can hold a licence from 17 yrs of age. There is no upper age limit to hold a National Private Pilot's Licence as long as you have a medical self declaration certificate.
The National Private Pilot's Licence (A)
So, what is a National Private Pilot’s Licence? Well, it’s a licence specific to UK pilots, it’s not recognised internationally, so would not automatically entitle you to fly an aeroplane in another country. It’s a licence that must be endorsed with a class rating that permits the holder to fly that class of aeroplane. And the class of aeroplane we talk about is the Microlight, therefore, to obtain a licence with a Microlight class rating, you must first complete the Flight Training Syllabus with a CAA certified Microlight Flight Instructor.
To attain a Unrestricted NPPL with Microlight Rating, you must complete:
A Minimum of 25hrs flight time of which a Minimum is 10hrs Solo.
A Minimum of 5hrs Cross country Navigation of which a Minimum of 3hrs Solo.
A Minimum of 2x40Nm Land Away flights with destinations of a Minimum 15Nm from the start, or, a Minimum 1x100Nm Land Away flight with 2 landings each with a Minimum of 15Nm from the start, or each other. Way point coordinates are to be recorded in your student’s logbook.
Successfully complete 6 ground exams, 5 written, 1 Oral.
Successfully complete a General Skills Test.
All Solo hours are valid for 24 months, including Nav training.
The 5 written ground exams are £40 per exam.
All flight training requires membership of £25/month to E-Planes ltd​, who are the owners of Sandtoft Aerodrome EGCF.
Pre Flight Training Requirements
Essential Reading
Must Have
Head Set & Flying Suit
Pegasus Quantum
Flylights Briefing Notes cover the BMAA syllabus flight briefings that allow student pilots to get the most out of their lessons. They incorporate the techniques required for the latest high-performance microlight aircraft.
Written by CFI Paul Dewhurst
The Microlight Pilot's log book is an essential requirement that proves the training exercises you have completed when applying for your licence.
If you learn to fly a Flex-wing Microlight, you will need the Micro Avionics style head set that has a 7 pin bayonet locking socket. You will need a suitable Helmet & Flying Suit, and don't forget your gloves!
NPPL Revalidation Hour with Instructor £125
30min Pegasus Quantum Gift Flight £100
11hr Pegasus Quantum block bookings £1250.
11hr Block Bookings are best conducted intensively over a period of one or two weeks. Sandtoft has accommodation if required, and we can fly up until 9:30pm. Contact me for more details.
To maintain the privileges of your NPPL, or fly solo as a student, your health must meet the Standard required based on the DVLA Ordinary Driving Licence. This must be confirmed via an online declaration by the Student/Pilot. This declaration is valid until the holder’s 70th birthday. After their 70th birthday the holder must make a new declaration, and continue to do so, every 3 years from that point.